About the practice

My Background

I just fell into reiki and became obsessed

Every reiki practitioner has their own unique background. I fell into reiki after a spur of the moment trip to India and have become enthralled with it ever since.

How did I get into Reiki? While living in San Francisco I met a friend that was originally from India. She moved back eventually and before she left, she mentioned that when she was a child she had a condition that she no longer suffers from due to meeting with healers. At the time she didn’t know the name for this specific type of healer but only that their hands hovered over her and over time her condition improved. She mentioned they are all over India and in the US as well and would probably be in San Francisco too.

What she told me conflicted with my understanding of the world and due to my personal and professional background I had trouble understanding the simple process she had described for this form of treatment. “They just put their hands over you” is what she kept saying and told me they weren’t religious and it wasn’t surgery or anything other than the simple treatment when I tried to clarify. She also said the same treatment can help many conditions… 

So I have a Master’s in Psychology and was raised with a Christian background and as one can imagine what she described sounded a bit off to me. She seemed to have all her mental facilities in place but I was skeptical  as I couldn’t make sense of what she was describing. So at that time I just dropped the conversation.

Lets Take a Trip to India

Sometime after this conversation I decided to visit India.  Well, everything was lined up so well it was almost like there wasn’t a decision to be made, I had to go!   While preparing the agenda for my trip I remembered what my friend told me about healers using a specific technique to heal people of illnesses and injuries. I had been struggling with an old injury for years and while helpful, I was tired of the rotation of seeing a chiropractor, stopping when symptoms improved then restarting the painful process when the pain came back. I was tired, desperate, and open to anything at this point. So with my tail between my legs, so to speak, I asked my friend to connect me to a healer in India. She reminded me there are healers in the bay Area as well but I was focused on getting as close to the same treatment she received in India. 

The Treatment

When I showed up for the session I wasn’t sure what to expect but they didn’t even touch me and I noticed a change. Though they did not fix my injury completely there was no denying the effectiveness of the treatment and I began listing other things I wanted the healers to fix. Thats when I was told it would be better if I did Reiki Training. I didn’t know what it meant and it was described to me as good for self-care. I almost didn’t sign up for it but while in grad school we were guided by our professors to say “yes” to new opportunities. So I thought, “when in Rome” and signed up for the Reiki Level I training. 

Before the training I researched about Reiki but I wasn’t satisfied with the explanations. The descriptions sounded too vague and I couldn’t truly grasp what I was reading. The day of the reiki training I almost cancelled but decided to go anyways and after the training I was still pretty skeptical. But I began practicing reiki on myself, my friends and family and they noticed improvements in their health after just a session or two. Many times I rationalized that myself or others felt better because of some reason other than using reiki. Even after completing the Reiki Level I and then II trainings I couldn’t believe that one’s emotional or physical distress could be healed by trained healers placing their hands over them. While I was skeptical I couldn’t deny what myself and others felt and over time reiki became my new obsession.

A few years later I returned to India and became trained in cord cutting, chakra balancing, crystal healing and sound therapy. Each intensifies the healing process and are integrated in all of my treatments.

(Nicky) d. Francois | MA Counseling Psychology | Reiki Energy Healer