

What is Reiki?

Reiki is Energy

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words, Rei “universal life” and Ki “energy”.

We all have energy and when this energy is imbalanced we may experience physical and emotional distress, presented as medical conditions and symptoms of mental heath.

In a reiki session trained energy healers use reiki to balance the energy in the person receiving healing. Reiki energy healers do not heal others but rather use reiki, which promotes energetic balance.

The intended result is for the receiver of reiki to feel less stress and a reduction of symptoms for a number of illnesses and long and short term injuries. Reiki is used to reduce physical and emotional pain.


Reiki Healing

Along with sending reiki energy to the recipient, all Reiki healing sessions include cord cutting, crystal healing & sound therapy.

Cord Cutting


Cords are connections between individuals and other people, places and things. Cord cutting adds to the healing experience by getting rid of unhealthy connections that may drain one's energy or exacerbate illnesses and old injuries.

Crystal Therapy


Crystals have healing energy and each vibrates at its own frequency. When the energy of crystals interact with the energy of someone receiving healing, the vibration of the crystals are used to improve and realign the vibration of the receiver’s energy.

Sound Therapy

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When the vibration of specific sounds interact with the human body, the vibrations of the body are further balanced by the frequency of the healing tones.

Distance Reiki

Distance reiki sessions are just as it sounds, sessions are done from a distance and are just as effective as in-person treatments. Reiki energy can be directed from a reiki practitioner to anyone, anywhere else in the world.